
You'll never know dear翻譯社 how much I love you親愛的 永久不會知道我多麼地愛


When I awoke, dear, I was mistaken當我醒來 親愛的 發現我錯了

The other night dear, as I lay sleeping又一夜 親愛的 當我躺下睡著時

影片(Elizabeth Mitchell演唱)提供者:Moneer Alrawahna

Please don't take my sunshine away 請不要奪走我的陽光

So I hung my head and I cried於是捧頭痛哭

You make me happy when skies are gray當天空灰色陰霾 使我快樂

You told me once, dear翻譯社 you really loved me親愛的 妳曾告知我妳真的愛我

You'll regret it all some day總有一日會悔怨不已

If you will only say the same會永久愛妳 讓妳快樂(倒裝句)



Ray Charles英文歌You are my sunshine妳是我的陽光+歌詞+中譯翻譯+英文進修

Take… away=奪走lay sleeping=躺下睡著held you in my arms=將妳擁在臂彎裏hung my head =字面上是吊著頭,中文註釋為捧頭say the same=諾不變leave me to love another=丟下我而移情別戀some day=總有一日once=做曾經解no one else =沒有人come between=參與阻撓shattered =破壞了

And no one else could come between沒有人可以參與阻止


But if you leave me to love another但如果妳丟下我而移情別戀

You have shattered all my dreams妳破壞了我所有的夢想

You are my sunshine

作詞: Jimmy Davis/Charles Mitchell

原唱: Ray Charles



But now you've left me and love another現在 妳卻丟下我而移情別戀

You are my sunshine, my only sunshine妳是我的陽光 我唯一的陽光


You'll never know dear, how much I love you親愛的 永久不會知道我多麼地愛

作曲: Jimmy Davis/Charles Mitchell

Please don't take my sunshine away 請不要奪走我的陽光


You are my sunshine翻譯社 my only sunshine妳是我的陽光 我唯一的陽光

I dreamed I held you in my arms我夢見將妳擁在臂彎裏

You make me happy when skies are gray當天空灰色陰霾 使我歡愉


I'll always love you and make you happy只要妳的諾不變


來自: https://blog.xuite.net/chuzu0/twblog/343616115-Ray+Charles%E7%9A%84%E8%8B%B1%E6%96%87%E6%AD%8C%E2%94有關各國語文翻譯公證的問題歡迎諮詢華碩翻譯公司02-23690932
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